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Arturo Byron Rojas Yanguas, La Paz, Bolivia

Updated: Jun 14, 2022

“Few cities in the world have as spectacular a setting as La Paz,” the Rough Guides travel blog begins. “As your bus or taxi crawls over the lip of the narrow canyon in which the city sits hunched, it’s a sight that will leave your lungs gasping for the oxygen they can’t have.” If you have visited Bolivia’s capital city of La Paz, you know exactly what that “gasping” feels like.

La Paz –the world’s highest capital city– sits roughly 11,900 feet above sea level. Denver, CO, in comparison, has an altitude of only 5,279 feet. The metro area population of roughly 2 million all somehow find enough oxygen to thrive.

Nestled in this breathtaking city is LOGOI’s National Missionary, Arturo Byron Rojas Yanguas. He came to Christ ten years ago saying, “I was immersed in intellectualism, philosophy, and world religions and thought of myself as a scholar in many areas. Then one day, with the persistent evangelism of a colleague, I had a great awakening. All my worldly wisdom came crashing down and I came to realize the truth of God and His Word.”

Today, Arturo firmly believes the Lord is calling him to be a pastor. “From the beginning of my walk with Christ, I have felt Him calling me to be a pastor,” Arturo says. “While I am studying and preparing to be a pastor, I serve in my church’s evangelical theater ministry and teach in our youth ministry.

Arturo’s background and studies in psychology have also given him a big dream. “I know God teaches, instructs and moves with love. I need to train in biblical and pastoral counseling with the hope of one day opening a biblical counseling center.”

We are very pleased that part of Arturo’s Bible training is coming directly from LOGOI and we are once again reminded of how God is using LOGOI in the lives and ministries of so many. Arturo concisely states, “LOGOI has the best references I have found and collected. I am excited and encouraged to study LOGOI’s Bible courses.”

Would you take a moment right now and pray for Arturo? He has three prayer requests. First, that members of his family would come to know Jesus. Second, that in God’s grace, he would find a wife. And finally, that the Lord would mold his “energetic and temperamental” character to be more and more like Jesus. And while you’re praying, thank the Lord for bringing men and women like Arturo for us to encourage and help. What a blessing!


Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries like Arturo to help proclaim the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish-speaking world. Now you know a little more about one of them.



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