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Statements & Policies


Informal: We want to be an enjoyable and trusted place for you to invest in God’s work. We’ll tell you what’s going on and how we’ll use your donation.

Formal: Founded on faith in the Lord’s provision for His own work: We will take our needs to the Lord, trust the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of our supporters, and with Biblical principals, make our needs known to God’s people clearly, concisely, poignantly, and passionately. We will actively invite and encourage donors to heartfelt, generous, and cheerful giving. Since 1985, LOGOI has been a member of the Evangelical Counsel for Financial Accountability (ECFA) which provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising and board governance.


Informal: We don’t share your personal information with anyone.

Formal: We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. LOGOI does not share, sell, rent or otherwise disclose the personal information (name, address, phone, e-mail, etc.) of any LOGOI member, donor, ministry partner, or affiliate without their advance permission, unless otherwise ordered by a court of law. All personal information collected is used solely to contact LOGOI partners and affiliates in regard to their use and partnership with LOGOI. We use reasonable precautions to keep information secure.

Content & Permissions Consent

Informal: We just want you to know the pictures or videos you send could be used to help spread the good news about LOGOI’s ministry.

Formal: When persons or organizations provide content to LOGOI — such as photos, videos, audios, and written items — they acknowledge ownership of said content and grant LOGOI the non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use the content unless otherwise specified and agreed to in writing.

Marketing & Promotion Consent
Informal: We think you’re good looking and have a great story. We just might use your pictures or videos to help tell others about LOGOI’s ministry.


Formal: LOGOI produces marketing and promotional content with the goal of informing and attracting others to LOGOI’s ministry. Registered LOGOI users consent and give permission for LOGOI to use their name, pictures, videos, and other content and information provided (by the user) for marketing and promotional purposes without any compensation, unless otherwise specified and agreed to in writing. LOGOI will attempt to contact person(s) involved in various marketing and promotion efforts.

Claims & Disputes

Informal: If there’s a problem, we’ll do everything we can to work it out.

Formal: The laws of the State of Florida will govern this Statement, as well as any claim that might arise between you and us, without regard to conflict of law provisions. If anyone brings a claim against us related to your actions, content or information on LOGOI, you will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including reasonable legal fees and costs) related to such claim


Usage, Copyright & Permissions

The following stipulations govern the content of for questions of usage, copyright, and permissions:

LOGOI offers a mixture of resources available for free as well as for purchase through our credit system. Our goal is to offer as many free resources as possible while maintaining financial viability and responsibility. When an author and/or publisher allow us to offer resources for free, we do so. We also recognize the tremendous work and time devoted to creating each of these resources and following biblical principles, we firmly believe authors and publishers should receive compensation for their work.

With that said we do want our users to have as much flexibility as possible regarding resources obtained at LOGOI while simultaneously maintaining quality control and connecting people with our ministry. Please partner together with us by observing the following guidelines and restrictions:

Resources received and/or purchased via LOGOI are for your personal use only and may not be duplicated and/or distributed in any format without prior written permission.

The exception to this policy is LOGOI bi-monthly emails which are offered with the following restrictions:

  1. You may duplicate and distribute only full-length versions of the content.

  2. You may not edit the content in any way.

  3. You may not charge for the material (even to recoup your costs).

  4. You may link content to LOGOI’s website, but you may not post them on your own website.

  5. If you reuse content from LOGOI’s emails, please credit LOGOI Ministries and include the link.

  6. You may not include personal or organizational contact information or give any suggestion or indication the content was created or belongs to you.

  7. You may not use or reproduce the LOGOI logo for any purpose.

LOGOI Ministries, the authors and publishers reserve all copyright protections under applicable law. We reserve the right to revoke or modify these permissions at any time. Thank you for your cooperation in these matters, which will help us all spread the teaching of God’s Word to all the nations.

Please contact LOGOI with any questions at:
PO Box 770128, Miami, FL  33177 or via email at

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