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Waldo CastroTepic, Nayarit, México

Updated: Apr 1, 2021

Where’s Waldo? He can be hard to find. Because of the coronavirus, the chances of finding him home for the next several weeks are better than ever. But as soon as possible, he will be off again on a winding mountain trail in the Sierra Madre Mountains to be with the people he so dearly loves. Waldo has planted over a dozen churches and travels back and forth training and equipping pastors and leaders. We’ve introduced him before, but it’s time for an update.

You can see Waldo in one of the “story” videos on our website — Meet Waldo. A good part of Waldo’s work is ministering to the Huichol and Cora people who live in small villages in the mountains. Evangelicals are not eagerly welcomed, but Waldo seems to have won them over with his larger than life personality and physique. Converts to Christianity within these tribes are called “aleluyas.” What a wonderful description!

God has blessed Waldo’s ministry with over 6,000 “aleluyas,” and he is eager for more. “We have reached many of the Huichol indigenous people with the Gospel,” Waldo writes. “They live far away from the cities, within the mountains, and we have to walk for many hours to reach their villages. But there is a great hunger for God and His Word among all of them. We teach them to read using the Bible. And while they have had their own gods, once they learn about Jesus, they completely surrender to Him. Thank you for all the work you’ve done — in coming even to this place in Mexico to equip us for the ministry.”

Aren’t you glad to be a part of Waldo’s wonderful work? We may not be the ones climbing the mountain trails, but by God’s grace and love, we get to help him make “Aleluyas.” Thank you for being a part of LOGOI’s Ministry. It is absolutely thrilling to think of what God is doing with each of our five little dollar investments!


Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries like Waldo to help proclaim the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish speaking world. Now you know a little more about one of them.



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