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Laura’s Dancing Hands, an illustrated childrens’ book

Laura’s Dancing Hands, an illustrated childrens’ book


The Psalmist joyfully proclaims, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). And this is true even for the young girl in this powerful story.

Sharing true stories with the children in your life about God’s love and care creates great opportunities to discuss the the importance of prayer, compassion and giving. For $10 US, you can order your copy of Laura’s Dancing Hands today, and instantly access an online copy of the book while you wait for your hard copy in the mail.

Laura’s Dancing Hands is a children’s book set in Cuba that tells the true story of a young girl who was born deaf. In agnostic Cuba, religious words and phrases are not taught in schools, and that includes Laura’s sign language school. Her parents were struggling to tell Laura about Jesus. Then God broke through. Laura’s life is beautifully changed when she encounters a national missionary couple who knew how to explain the Gospel using sign language. Laura’s hands can hardly dance fast enough as she signs, “I believe” over and over again.


"Laura's Dancing Hands" is a true story of a beautiful little deaf girl in Cuba. Watch Christine Greenman bring the story to life with her very own "dancing hands" using American Sign Language (ASL). Click to wath the video.

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