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A Friend is a Gift You Give Yourself

Updated: Apr 5, 2021

Way back in the 1970s when bell bottom pants, big hair, and tie-dye shirts were all the rage, LOGOI’s founder, the late Dr. Les Thompson was also pastoring a church. Those were wonderful years. Dad preached, Mom taught Sunday School, my brothers and I sang quartets, and somebody always brought banana pudding to the Wednesday night potluck dinner.

One day, Dad hired a youth director I thought was one of the coolest guys I had ever seen. He wore huge bell bottom pants, had some platform shoes, tie-dye shirts, and big smile to match his big hair and mustache. He just seemed filled with joy and life. His name was – and still is – Paul Tripp. He became a pastor, author and conference speaker and LOGOI enjoys a long friendship with Paul and his ministry. You can learn more about him at

We have just celebrated Easter, the glorious resurrection of Jesus. He conquered death, our greatest enemy, and rose again to reconcile us to God. Will any of us truly comprehend the full meaning of Easter? All we can do is bow our heads and say, “thank you” over and over and over again.

I subscribe to Paul’s “Wednesday’s Word.” A recent devotional, “Don’t Quit on Your Friends,” is an ideal follow-up to Easter. As we’ve done several times before, we have translated it and will share with our LOGOI Spanish-speaking family. This time, I also want to share it HERE with you.

It is a powerful reminder of our need to add a “healthy dose of eternity” to our lives. As you read it, know that our national missionaries are also reading it. Just like me and you, they are being challenged and blessed and asking the Lord to apply these truths in their lives.

Your prayers and financial partnership help make LOGOI viable, available, and useable. Today, over 30,000 Hispanic pastors and missionaries are utilizing our ministry. So I hope you don’t mind, but we do ask that the Lord encourage you to pray and give generously. It is a good investment as we work together to help “equip God’s people and build up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).


Click HERE to give a donation that will provide Bible resources and training to LOGOI’s pastors and leaders.


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