Cuba is in the news again...with their plea for freedom. It has brought all the memories
back of Castro’s takeover 61 years ago that my husband, Les, went through. Our city of Miami remembers, as well. Cuban and American flags are flying everywhere.
I’ve been able to be in touch with many of our Cuban family. Here are some of their
answers translated for you:
Only God can help, protect and free us.
My eyes are full of tears to see your messages.
We are praying to God night and day for the crisis to be solved. We are to be salt and light in these times. God will give us the strength we need to continue. A hug. God bless you.
(Posted on Facebook by one of my Cuban "grandsons")
Cuban Christian: God does not bless any nation for their political positions that are used. God blesses the nations that repent and hold on to God (Jonah 3). If you are Cuban and called a Christian, please guide our brothers and sisters in Cuba to repent and love God and not riches. When Cuba does this, the Lord will surely bless this nation. NO president in the world can offer Christ’s hope and salvation. NO president really is worried about you or me and will die for our sins and save us. Even if they would like to, they cannot.
Brothers and Sisters, only Christ saves. He is the one who “controls the course of world events, he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.” (Daniel 2:21)