Pame Henriquez from Chile, (whose daughter was in the US this summer and spent a week with Grandma Carolyn), has been working with children all her life. She’s written many children’s Bible lesson series and after our review, we are honored to put them into circulation on our LOGOI Spanish website. The first series has been posted and now another is being prepared. The title of the first series is “My Time With God” and next will be about prayer where she uses a traffic light to teach about how God answers prayer. Will you join us to pray that these children’s Bible lessons will bring many young ones to the Lord Jesus and that this will be a foundation that they will use for the rest of their lives? I thank the Lord that I was a child who asked Jesus into my heart and He has ALWAYS been with me.
Progress is slow in Cuba as we continue to work for more students who will be able to take our courses online. Communications are always difficult and slow coming from Cuba especially after Hurricane Ian. The Los Pinos Seminario is showing interest. Please pray for the doors to open wide so that many can join our FLET student body and learn wonderful truths from God’s Word.