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The Wonderful Privilege

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

There is an interesting map on LOGOI’s website. It’s an interactive map highlighting the countries where you can find our National Missionaries. You can zoom in on the pinpoints to see how many in a particular country have registered to be part of our LOGOI family.

With over 30,000 national missionaries and more joining our family every day, it’s proven to be a bit of a challenge to keep it up-to-date.

As expected, countries in Latin America dominate. As I write this letter to you, for example, we have some 1,469 in Colombia, 1,261 in Venezuela, and 1,587 in Mexico. But those are just three of the 57 countries where you can find LOGOI national missionaries.

Have you ever heard of Guinea Bissau and Namibia? Or would you be surprised to learn we have three Hispanic national missionaries in Japan? How about LOGOI National Missionaries in Sweden, Tanzania, Afghanistan, and even Iraq?

With the world’s 4th largest Hispanic population living right here in the good ol’ USA, over 1,389 pastors and teaching leaders are part of our LOGOI family. Many are perfectly bilingual, serving the Lord in their local English-speaking churches, including outreach ministries to the Hispanics in their communities.

Which reminds me, if your church has a Spanish ministry, please introduce your leaders to They will find excellent Bible resources and courses they will be able to put to immediate use. They will also be pleased to know joining our LOGOI family and having access to our extensive online Bible resource center is offered at their favorite price — free. If you prefer, email us their contact information, and we’ll send them an introductory email.

I’m reminded of the Apostle Paul’s words, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

For some reason, Pastor Dolly comes to my mind. He joyfully gets into his dugout canoe and travels from village to village, bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people living in villages along the Amazon River in Peru. We’ve written about him before. But recently, we received this simple email:

“Thank you for praying for me and helping me. I always need it. I am focused on my missionary travels [in the Amazon rivers], where I am using the counseling [course] I got from you. It is a blessing to us all. Thank you so much. May God bless you greatly.”

Chances are, you nor I will ever personally travel with Pastor Dolly to these Amazon villages. But in God’s amazing grace and sovereignty, we are there, right alongside Pastor Dolly.

Thank you for traveling with us! Thank you for praying. Thank you for your financial partnership. Thank you for being a part of helping prepare fishers of men. “We are all one in Christ.” Amen!


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