It’s so good to see our world starting to “open up” again. There is a long way yet to go, but at least it feels like we’re moving forward and trying to get life back to “normal.” What will our new “normal” look like?

If you’ve been keeping up with us, you’ll know one of the very positive outcomes of the pandemic has been an exciting increase in those using LOGOI’s ministry. Thousands of new pastors and national missionaries joined our family in 2020. They suddenly found more available Bible study time. We now total over 30,000.
It’s very exciting — but also very challenging. While our ministry has grown by thousands overseas, we have taken a pretty big hit here in the North America. We are a long, long way from keeping pace financially.
My father, LOGOI’s Founder, who perhaps right now is enjoying an amazing conversation with Abraham and Isaac, was always very enthusiastic about using the gifts God has given us for His glory. Peter even said, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms,” 1 Peter 4:10.
Many of you know I do a bit of “crooning.” My alter ego is none other than “CroonerEd” and I have a closet full of sparkly jackets to prove it. Over the years, my concerts have been an effective and fun way to introduce others to LOGOI and gain new ministry partners. Covid-19, however, put a rude stop to those events. But now that things are opening up again we are excited and anxious to introduce others to LOGOI. (Check out CroonerEd's Instagram page or email us at for more information.)
So, we’re asking for your help…in the way of an introduction. Specifically, a simple introduction to your pastor… or music minister… or missions committee… or small group leaders… or your “seasoned citizen” pastor.
What we’re asking you to do is smile really big and hand this letter with the promotional information on the next page to the person at your church who helps plan events.
That’s it! What a huge help you can be by simply making an introduction.
Meanwhile, LOGOI’s ministry continues to grow. We are excited about new Bible study groups in Uruguay, Venezuela and Spain just to name a few. Wonderfully, it costs under $5 per month to provide free Bible resources, encouragement and help to one of our national missionaries. They are already there, already at work, can already speak the language, and are already joyfully proclaiming the Gospel. Our job is to help them along the way.
So as always, we boldly ask for your prayers and generous financial support as we continue “equipping God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). And of course, a big “thank you in advance” for handing off this letter to the right person at your church.

aka CroonerEd
Click here or on the Bible below to donate to LOGOI Ministries.