Natural disasters. War. Death. Cancer. Politics. Divorce. Inflation. Depression. Corruption. Addiction. Joblessness. Desperation. This ugly list can go on and on and on.
With over 30,000 Spanish-speaking pastors and leaders spread across 54 countries, we often never know the life stories and troubles so many of them face. God brings them to us to help with their on-the-job Bible training as they go about proclaiming the Gospel in their churches and communities — to a host of others facing their own list of troubles.
When we do hear their stories, they always fill us with wonder. We’re amazed at what so many have faced and overcome. Our LOGOI family has everything from preachers’ kids to convicts, recovering addicts to successful business leaders. We have pastors of mega-churches and shepherds of just a few, and everything in between. It’s a wonderful family full of flawed people trusting in Jesus who have and are facing troubles of all kinds. But Jesus loves them — just as He loves you and me.

These are troubled days for so many. That “ugly list” affects us all and LOGOI is certainly feeling the financial impact as many have had to cut back on their donations. Even so, as we prepare to gather around our tables this Thanksgiving, we thank the Lord for you and your faithful partnership with us. We’re so grateful you are part of our LOGOI family. We thank the Lord for you!
So, we thought of a Thanksgiving gift for you for these troubled days. One of the songs my dad used to sing is called “I Speak the Name of Jesus.” You can visit the Videos section of our website (or see links below) and hear his wonderful tenor voice. I asked a friend of mine to help put together a rendition for me to sing (also on our website). As we were working on the song, my friend let me know his wife is dying of cancer. He told me this song has been a gift from God as they face their significant trouble.
While we know Jesus is not a good-luck-charm to call when we’re in trouble and He’ll make everything better, this song is meant to convey the hope and comfort that only comes from Him. And yes, it is a reminder that when we do face troubles, we are to call upon His name and be reminded that in Jesus, we will find peace and comfort — for He has overcome the world. Amen!
Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. Click on the leaves if you wish to support LOGOI's ongoing mission throughout the Spanish-speaking world.