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Eduardo Barahona, Tegucigalpa, Honduras


Updated: Apr 11, 2023

The capital city of Honduras is not only its largest city but also has one of the most beautiful and fun-to-pronounce names in the world. Tegucigalpa means silver hills in Nahuatl, the language of the ancient Aztecs. The city is known for its well-preserved Spanish colonial architecture in a country rich with dense rainforests, jungle landscapes, and pristine Caribbean beaches. Popular among nature enthusiasts, Honduras is sure to become a favorite destination for its natural and colonial beauty.

The literal meaning of Honduras is “depths” and legend claims it received its name from a quote from Columbus, who said, “Gracias a Dios que hemos salido de esas honduras” (“Thank God we have departed from those depths”).

Adding a great deal of depth to the people of Tegucigalpa is this month’s Missionary of the Month, Eduardo Barahona. Eduardo and his wife Nidia have two children, Matías and Paula. Eduardo is the full-time pastor of Iglesia Impacto, and a solid part of his pastoral training has come through his studies with our LOGOI Bible courses.

Like many others, Eduardo was a long-time church attendee who didn’t truly understand what the Gospel meant for him personally. “I loved to go to church and be with my family and friends, but it didn’t really impact my life,” he explains. “Then, God put in my path someone who helped me study the Bible. I began to read and learn and understand what Christ’s work on the cross did for me. Finally, I understood. He took my place, paid for my sin, and gave me eternal life. From that moment on, I have wanted to know Jesus more and to serve Him.”

Eduardo paused and said, “Today, my passion is to help others take the time to search for God.”

Then, with obvious excitement, Eduardo says, “I’m very pleased to say we started a seminary in our church. We have a two-year program for members and a four-year program for pastors and church leaders. Many of our courses are from LOGOI,” Eduardo explains. “Two of my favorites are, ‘Cristo, Su persona y Su obra’ by Oliver Buswell and ‘Historia de la Reforma’ by Justo González.’ They are truly very important and useful resources for all churches.”

Would you take a moment right now and pray for Eduardo? He specifically asks for prayer as he leads a Bible study for married couples. “The Christian home and family are so important for the church and society,” he says. “Please pray with me that they will truly take the time to study and search for God.” That is a prayer we all need to adopt.


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