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Wilson Eduardo Delgado Jurado, Pasto, Colombia

You may be surprised to learn that the popular old song, "What a Difference a Day Makes,” was originally written in Spanish and titled, "Cuando vuelva a tu lado" ("When I Return to Your Side"). Dinah Washington won a Grammy Award with her (English) rendition in 1959 — which is most likely the version you are humming in your head right now.

Wilson Eduardo Delgado Jurado may not be familiar with either rendition of the popular song, but he does know a far more beautiful song, “The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease” (Lamentations 3:22). 

“My life seems something like a movie,” Wilson says “it had a sad beginning but has turned into a very happy story.” Wilson solemnly explains that he was a “surprise” and unwanted child. His father abandoned the family when he was five leaving his mother and three brothers in dire poverty. Wilson summarizes his childhood saying, “we went through many difficulties.”

“To dull the pain, I began abusing alcohol at a very early age,” Wilson says, “which increased my suffering and difficulties in life.” The struggles continued into his adult life, which he describes as “the desert of my life.” “My desert included  alcoholism, adultery, divorce, gambling, debt, no work, and even the abandonment of my 12- and 13-year-old daughters.”

But what a difference a day makes. For Wilson, that day came 15 years ago and changed his life forever. “I met a wonderful woman whose life was full of joy and peace because she loved and sought after God,” Wilson says. He wanted what she had and began to investigate. “That’s when I learned God loved me and had been pursuing me my entire life,” he adds. “He drew me to Himself and by His grace, I was saved!”

Today, Wilson is a pharmacist in Pasto—situated in southwest Colombia—and helps direct youth and young professional groups at his church. He is one of our LOGOI Bible students and loves how he is able to put to use what he is learning as he teaches others. Oh, and did we mention he married that wonderful woman whose life was full of joy and peace?

Would you take a moment right now and pray for Wilson? He specifically asks for prayer for his daughters and family to come to Christ. “My life is like Psalm 18,” Wilson says, “I called on the Lord in my distress and He rescued me.” What a joy to help and encourage Wilson and be reminded what a difference a day makes because of God’s amazing grace.


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