If you’ve been part of our LOGOI family for more than a few years, you know that my husband, Les, not only founded our ministry but was also our Spanish “pastor to pastors.” He could preach, teach, and write and was a great encourager to so many. I was at his side when it was possible, but was never any of the above.

Well, things have changed! God is enabling me to help fill at least one role in Les’ arsenal of gifts — encouragement! Without really knowing what I was doing, I began writing to some of our Spanish family just like I would my own grandchildren. To my wonder, they started writing back and involving me in their lives and ministry. As their “adopted Grandmother,” I am eager to pray for them and encourage them in their lives and desire to serve the Lord. What a thrill for this LOGOI Grandma to have so many wonderful grandchildren!

December took Ed and me to the Dominican Republic to meet some of my new LOGOI grandkids there. It was so humbling to hear them talk about how much they are learning and how grateful they are for LOGOI. It was an unexpected, enormous blessing and encouragement to us and many more of my “grandchildren” adopted me.
I could fill the page with more beautiful pictures from my loved Spanish grandchildren and their joy in serving the Lord. But…

I do have a wonderful and growing real Thompson Family who give me great joy, too. I’ll let the pictures tell most of the stories of my 2021 year which included an 80th birthday celebration for me, another grandson’s wedding, opening my home to others in need (and letting them adopt me as their new grandma), attending more baseball games, and getting hugged by my beloved children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. What a blessed life God has given me!

Thank you for all the years you have journeyed alongside us here at LOGOI. We owe you so much gratitude and pray you will continue to journey with us as we press on. Who knows the number of our days? Only my Heavenly Father. Until he calls me home, “Here I am, use me, Lord. And bless all those who are part of our big LOGOI Family.”
With much joy and forever His,

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
Zephaniah 3:17

P.S. Please consider supporting LOGOI's on-going mission throughout the Spanish-speaking world.